Category Archives: General

I reckon I will have thoughts on things that don’t fit nicely into any other category, so we have “General.”

Today’s Pet Peeve

My current pet peeve, as seen at the end of this comment on an article I read: Just my 0.02 cents.

Chase Visa made good!

Check out this email I just received from Chase Visa. It is nice to see that once you get past the bureaucracy, Chase really does care about their customers. I don’t know if they really understand my point, but I don’t really care, because they made good on their original promise.

“We Made Out” is Back!

Well, really, it was never gone, but it was pretty stagnant for several months. That’s right, the site that my brother made famous and I made great, We Made Out In A Tree And This Old Guy Sat And Watched Us, is back with a new design and fresh new content. Here are some of… Read More »

Who is this man???

So I watch WWE wrestling on TV for four hours every week. Well, four hours worth of programming, although I probably only spend about two hours on it, thanks to the wonders of DVR and the fact that people like Chris Masters are so fast-forwardable. But anyway, it’s the first paragraph, and I have already… Read More »

Showalter’s Fault?

The Yankees are mad at Buck Showalter for pulling his stars early in their final game on Sunday. Are they right to be upset?

Happy “Talk Like A Pirate Day”

Today is “Talk Like A Pirate Day”! In honor of this special day, I would like to share my favorite pirate joke. It may not be suitable for all viewers, specifically viewers who are opposed to jokes about pirates’ crotches.

The Wonders of Vonage

I have had quite a few people recently ask me about Vonage, the VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) company that I use for my home phone service. I figured I should just put something about it on my blog so I would have a link to point people to. Here is an email I sent… Read More »